Monday, June 27, 2011


Vietnam and Korean War veteran Fred Quigley is in a battle with a developer over his wish to fly an American flag on a 14-foot flagpole outside of his home in Macedonia, Ohio.
Joe Migliorini, a partner in the development company's firm and the head of the homeowners' association for the retirement community in which Quigley lives, says Quigley must fly the flag from a stanchion connected to his home. Otherwise, Migliorini points out, Quigley's patriotic display would be in violation of association rules.
"Landscapers have to work around it," Migliorini told ABC News, adding that federal flag etiquette also demands the flag be removed if it's not lit up at night. "That creates a need for electricity to be run out to the pole."
"To me, a flagpole is a thing of boldness and is substantial," Quigley told The Fall News press. "Putting a flag on your house is like putting a wreath on your door. It doesn't mean as much."The paper explains that the development where Quigley lives is a fairly recent one--meaning that the homeowners' association isn't yet fully representative of the homeowners on site. That requirement will only be cleared once the developer sells 75 percent of the lots in the community.
That doesn't mean that Quigley and his neighbors are being quiet about the controversy, however. Migliorini claims about 20 residents have protested the flag decision so far. "Joe Migliorini is the association," Quigley complained.
Dozens of supporters, including members of the American Legion, gathered around the pole last week for a flag-raising ceremony, the paper reported.
     Full Story>>

Is this not absolutely ridiculous or what? In light of the coming 235th birthday of our great nation, I think its fitting to post a story of a true patriot fighting for what he believes in. And if there's one thing I KNOW about this country, is that there's no such thing as too big! Especially when it comes to that star spangled banner of ours.

 This Migliorini chap might as well (notice I didn't use "mine as well", as it makes zero sense) be funding a terrorist cell if you ask me. I'd have the Department of Homeland Security so far up this dude's ass if they spit it's coming out of his mouth. But I guess that's just Ohio for ya. America's armpit will just stand idly by while one of America's hero's is denied his given right to fly a bomb ass American Flag higher than any other in the old folks village. 

Give the guy a break and don't just let him fly the flag, but stand beneath it and embrace it. This is America dammit! Home of the hotdog and the "WOOOOOO!"


Snake said...

well said WildSteve

Blake Siebert said...

2:25.....343 FDNY Never Forget

DP said...

Home of the Woooo haha

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