Monday, June 6, 2011

Show Me Your Weiner You Tranny!

NEW YORK – A tearful Rep. Anthony Weiner on Monday admitted sending a lewd photo of his underwear-clad crotch to a young woman over Twitter and then lying repeatedly to protect himself. In a flash of defiance, Weiner refused to resign even as Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called for a House ethics investigation into whether he broke the rules.The extraordinary confession at a packed Manhattan news conference was a remarkable turn of events for the brash Weiner, who conceded to a "hugely regrettable" lapse in judgment. House Democratic leaders tersely expressed disappointment and embarrassment, reflecting an erosion of support for the 46-year-old New York congressman and casting doubts on whether Weiner could hold onto his House seat let alone turn a once-promising political career into a 2013 bid for mayor.Weiner insisted he had done nothing wrong and said he would fully cooperate with a House inquiry.
If you can legitimately tell me you never saw this coming then text me your address so I can come beat you with a sock full of change. Representative Weiner (Even God intended this pun) tweeted a few dick pics to some broads a few weeks back and claimed his twitter got hacked. Listen Bro hole, no one gave a dick (WildSteve intended this pun) who you were before this story came out, yet alone gave enough shits to tarnish your good name by hacking your twitter account. The only way this is remotely feasible is if a kid with autism took your twitter name (@repweiner) very literally, was able to break through the twitter firewall and rep his own weiner as if it were a wiki (that's kinda fun to say). Even then, that kid would be packing twice what you got.This was Representative Weiner's destiny from day 1. This shit should be his calling card like the wet bandits used to flood all the houses they robbed. I'm shocked that this "investigation" went on as long as it did. Your name is Weiner and you tweeted a weiner. Open and shut case; back to finding Jimmy Hoffa. So step down from office already dude. Only professional athletes get away with dick pics. Get a fucking clue!


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