Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bar Review: Diablo's Cantina Royal Oak

by Matt Netzel
Diablo's Cantina in Royal Oak is finally open. Boy was I surprised when I stopped in there last night. It was a friend's birthday and she says, "Meet us at Diablo's." I'm like 'ok, that's a restaurant right?' I mean I guess I'll have a taco and some tequila and move on to the next spot. At this point I had been drinking since 5pm and 6 hours later, although soaking up the booze with some Tex-Mex was probably the most beneficial thing to do, I was not interested in food at all.

I was pleasantly surprised when I walked in the door. I saw a HUGE bar stretch the length of the building, as the house music bass pulsed through my body. The smell of fajitas hit my nostrils in the most intriguing way. Slam piece cougars were seductively moving to the Wiz Khalifa dubstep beat. I was stunned. What I thought would be a nice sit down restaurant was definitely leaning towards a club type atmosphere. I figured I should delve deeper as standing next to the door man, mouth agape, wasn't going to get me booze in my belly, and I was starting to hold up the crowd on its way in.

As I explored the place a little more, I noticed there wasn't just cougars in there, but people in their mid twenties, which was reassuring. The first thing that caught my eye was the screens. They have 70 + plasmas draped all over the place. Perfect spot to watch a game.

On this particular night they were all turned off to give it more of a club feel, which turned out to be a good choice. Nothing sweet was on at the time, the Tigers and Stanley Cup Finals were over, so why bother. They had a decent sized dance floor that, at this point in the night, wasn't being used to it's potential, but come midnight I'm sure that some dougies and bernies got goin.

Drinks were fairly priced for a Royal Oak bar. Everywhere I looked the girls kept getting hotter. I must say all around, the crowd was quite good looking; no homo. You know, no slobs, no sloppy drunks, no goiters. Pretty above average. It seemed like all the douchers remained consistent with making Blackfinn their Saturday night choice, and that was evident from the crowd at Diablo's.

My only problem with this place was the space. They have tables all through the bar area that didn't exactly make it hard to get a drink, but you sure as hell weren't able to kick it right at the bar area after you got your drinks. You had to skidaddle to the high top tables or back towards the entrance. Not exactly ideal.

I'm sure at some point they'll figure out to move the tables at night to make, what is obviously a dining area early in the night, accommodate the night life this place will attract. The next thing was they didn't have the roof open. Yesterday was a prime roof night. We ended up leaving Diablo's for that shit hole Woody's because it was prefect weather for drinking outside. The roof at Diablo's has so much potential, they better figure their shit out and open it up quick.

I'm definitely going to make a trip back here soon to try out the food and watch a game. Ideally I'll be able to go to the roof top and prove to Royal Oak's finest that my hips DO NOT lie, and watch Wild Steve Tequila grind every girl that's coherent. Can't wait!

Overall Rating:  9/10


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