Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Matt Stone and Trey Parker...OMFG

Are you shitting me!

Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of the funniest show ever animated/made, are making a fucking musical...about Mormons!

This will probably be so funny you would need to bring a diaper and extra change of pants because at the end of the show you will need both to leave the theater comfortably. (Click video below to learn about the show)

Well, it’s settled this event is for sure replacing a weekend of chatroulette. I can’t even being to imagine the hilarity of this musical seeing that both Matt and Trey, are in the apex of their creativity and if you disagree see the video below:

I mean look what they did when they made a movie using marionettes...Team America, Fuck Yea man. That is, to this day, one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

So when these two gentlemen create what they consider to be an entertaining broadway musical I hope it sparks your interest, for two reasons really. One, it is a guaranteed good time for you and a group of friends and two, I need to bum a ride...seriously I’ll bring the diapers.


Anonymous said...

Listen if you have a blog maybe you should learn to spell or proofread your shit before you post it

Mike Breezy said...

You definitely have a valid point however, I went to a public school...It's the best I can do.

C-Bus said...

first hate post, we're moving up in the blogosphere!

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