Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Beers Softball

A few games into the season, I feel the need to let everyone know about the best softball team to ever grace the diamonds at Liberty Park. And by best, I mean a combination of funniest home videos, Bad News Bears, and the Artie Lange movie Beer League. We may not ever play a full 7 innings, but I challenge you to come to a game and not come away with some sense of enjoyment. With that said, Daddy goes out and mashes. For those of you keeping score at home, I'm hitting .857 right now. Just smoking the ball. Don't get me wrong, I love goin out and throwin in a fat chaw and broing out with some old school homeboys, but I'm also there to put up numbers. I'm more or less out there to have a good time and have a pop with some buds. I'm not "Softball Guy" by any means. I'm not serious enough that I'm going to get pissed if you miss the cut off, or into it enough to buy my own bat and spend more than $13 at Play It Again for some cleats. However, you better believe homeboy is getting his.

A brief season recap: We've been mercied 3/3 times. The competition in this league is stupid. People are out reliving the glory days and "Softball Guys" are everywhere.  If you're going yard in E league, chances are you have a  low-self esteem and a false sense of self-worth. Improvements are being made on a weekly basis. We're taking aim at not getting mercied this week. Next week we're playing a team that is somehow, someway below us in the standings. Hoping to squeak out a W. Now I know posting weekly updates on this team is probably a little much, so stay tuned. I'll be letting you know about our antics, potential self destruction, jump-fives, and any wins that come along the way, every once in a while. To quote the late*, great, Gordon Bombay "Keep swinging . . . maybe they'll catch a cold."   

* Gordon Bombay is dead by now right? Aren't all self-loathing, semi-pro athletes-turned-lawyers a ticking time bomb? I think him going out early adds to his legacy, so I'm gonna go with that scenario. 



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