Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I popped this little gem in my car today, thinking I would come on the blog, make a few snarky remarks about the music I listened to as a lad. Well Bro's, my mind was fucking blown. I understand it should come as no surprise considering it went triple platinum, but I honestly have not given this album a conscious thought in well over a decade. I distinctly remember this being the fist CD I ever owned, and at 11 years-old, it's more than likely it went well over my head. I am seriously disappoint this has not been in my regular rotation for years. Although, I guess it stands to reason that, considering I have impeccable musical taste now, as a mini-bro the same would apply.

I feel this record has real significance now despite being 16 years-old. I love the sound, a little bit "Primus", a little "Foo Fighters". And Finally, All white dudes should love this album, if for no other reason, because it features a track dedicated solely to eating pussy ... Come on Bro that's our thing!

I have been inspired to take a look back to the days of yore, when a parental warning basically eliminated all hopes of me getting my hands on that album. (aside for some crafty maneuvers that landed me LL Cool J, Onyx, Ice Cube, and several choice others) However, I doubt WWF vol 3 is going to be as highly regarded now but you never know.


C-Bus said...

Grunge rock is my religion, and Seattle is my mecca

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