Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hope Lutheran Church Solar Roof

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Top 5 Fantasy Quarterbacks in 2011-2012

With NFL regular season approaching quickly and fantasy fanatics beginning to prepare for the infamous draft day, I begin to think about what quarterback I would take first. Here's my predicted top 5 QB's for the upcoming season in terms of fantasy numbers:

1. Michael Vick (Philadelphia Eagles):Could be your best fantasy draft or could be your worst fantasy option. Placing him at #1 on my list of top QB's is making the assumption that he will remain healthy all season; however, this is highly unlikely in my opinion. With a Denard Robinson-like style, Vick's numbers could lead you to the championship game or could leave you in a serious bind to find another QB...least he knows how to tie his shoes.

Top Targets: DeShaun Jackson, Jason Avant, Steve Smith, *Jeremy Maclin*, Brent Celek
*health issues might keep him from being a target this season*

2. Aaron Rodgers (Green Bay Packers): Coming off such a successful previous season, we'll just hope Rodgers doesn't have a Superbowl hangover this season. I can't imagine that happening as he is one of the more consistent performers at the QB position.

Top Targets: Greg Jennings, Jordy Nelson, Donald Driver, James Jones, Jermichael Finley

3. Tom Brady (New England Patriots): With the new addition of Pro-bowl receiver Chad Ocho Cinco, Brady should put up some impressive numbers again this year. He has a number of solid receivers and 2 young tight ends that have already solidified themselves as reputable targets. After throwing for 36 TD's and only 4 int's last season, expect Brady to put up very similar numbers this coming season.

Top Targets: Wes Welker, Deion Branch, Chad Ocho Cinco, Brandon Tate, Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Hernandez

4. Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints): Looking to make it further into the play-off's this season, Brees should lead a powerful Saints offense to put up solid fantasy numbers. He did lose a play-making back in Reggie Bush; however, he has a number of other weapons around him that make his job at QB much easier.

Top Targets: Marques Colston, Devery Henderson, Lance Moore, Robert Meachem, Jimmy Graham

5. Matt Ryan (Atlanta Falcons): Ryan could put up some impressive fantasy numbers this year with his returning cast of receivers and new addition in Julio Jones. He threw for 28 TD's last season and should increase that stat into the mid to high 30's.

Top Targets: Roddy White, Eric Weems, Julio Jones, Tony Gonzalez

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Land of the Free, Home of the Hustlers

America the Great is known for the freedom to behave, think , and act however we wish to do so. We get away with things we shouldn't and some fail to get punished for major crimes they commit. And, in recent news, some may even gain success through past debacles. Does Casey Anthony ring a bell to anyone?

After the death and disappearance of her 2-year old daughter, Caylee, Miss Casey Anthony was deemed not guilty of murder; however, she was found guilty for providing false information to investigators. Think what you want to think about whether or not she was responsible for the death of her daughter, but I will not get into that at this point.

Now, only a few weeks after Anthony was "cleared" from one of the more heated trials in American history, she has been offered an amount of money larger than most of us will ever pose nude? Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine says that he offered Anthony $500,000 to pose nude for his magazine plus 10% of all profits. Talk about a turn of events for this 25-year old party girl from the sunshine state...only in America can you go from nearly being sentenced for life to being offered a 1/2 million pose nude. In my humble opinion, something seems off with this situation...and with our justice system...and with America. Even judges involved with the situation admit this is a messed up situation. Judge Perry, a judge involved with Anthony's probation, stated that the situation is a "legal maze" and "If anything could go wrong, it went wrong here".

But again, this is the land of the free and home of the "Hustlers". Casey Anthony gets acquitted from murder of her own daughter and now rewarded with a nice sum of cash and percentage of profit that will leave her wealthy for the remainder of her life...shouldn't she be in jail right now?

Land of the Free, Home of the Hustlers

America the Great is known for the freedom to behave, think , and act however we wish to do so. We get away with things we shouldn't and some fail to get punished for major crimes they commit. And, in recent news, some may even gain success through past debacles. Does Casey Anthony ring a bell to anyone?

After the death and disappearance of her 2-year old daughter, Caylee, Miss Casey Anthony was deemed not guilty of murder; however, she was found guilty for providing false information to investigators. Think what you want to think about whether or not she was responsible for the death of her daughter, but I will not get into that at this point.

Now, only a few weeks after Anthony was "cleared" from one of the more heated trials in American history, she has been offered an amount of money larger than most of us will ever pose nude? Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine says that he offered Anthony $500,000 to pose nude for his magazine plus 10% of all profits. Talk about a turn of events for this 25-year old party girl from the sunshine state...only in America can you go from nearly being sentenced for life to being offered a 1/2 million pose nude. In my humble opinion, something seems off with this situation...and with our justice system...and with America. Even judges involved with the situation admit this is a messed up situation. Judge Perry, a judge involved with Anthony's probation, stated that the situation is a "legal maze" and "If anything could go wrong, it went wrong here".

But again, this is the land of the free and home of the whores. Casey Anthony gets acquitted from murder of her own daughter and now rewarded with a nice sum of cash and percentage of profit that will leave her wealthy for the remainder of her life...shouldn't she be in jail right now?

Land of the Free, Home of the Hustlers

America the Great is known for the freedom to behave, think , and act however we wish to do so. We get away with things we shouldn't and some fail to get punished for major crimes they commit. And, in recent news, some may even gain success through past debacles. Does Casey Anthony ring a bell to anyone?

After the death and disappearance of her 2-year old daughter, Caylee, Miss Casey Anthony was deemed not guilty of murder; however, she was found guilty for providing false information to investigators. Think what you want to think about whether or not she was responsible for the death of her daughter, but I will not get into that at this point.

Now, only a few weeks after Anthony was "cleared" from one of the more heated trials in American history, she has been offered an amount of money larger than most of us will ever pose nude? Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine says that he offered Anthony $500,000 to pose nude for his magazine plus 10% of all profits. Talk about a turn of events for this 25-year old party girl from the sunshine state...only in America can you go from nearly being sentenced for life to being offered a 1/2 million pose nude. In my humble opinion, something seems off with this situation...and with our justice system...and with America. Even judges involved with the situation admit this is a messed up situation. Judge Perry, a judge involved with Anthony's probation, stated that the situation is a "legal maze" and "If anything could go wrong, it went wrong here".

But again, this is the land of the free and home of the whores. Casey Anthony gets acquitted from murder of her own daughter and now rewarded with a nice sum of cash and percentage of profit that will leave her wealthy for the remainder of her life...shouldn't she be in jail right now?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why the Spartans will Overcome Doubters in 2011

With the Spartan football season under a month away, I can personally feel a positive buzz in the air, an excitement in my heart, and with no surprise, a belittling attitude coming from the large number of critics that surround me. And, in their defense, I cannot blame them as our program has seen its share of ups and downs in the previous few years. From beating in-state rival Michigan Wolverines 3 consecutive years to being defeated by the Chippewas of Central Michigan, we've seen just about everything. Now, with another season looming in the near future, we hear the doubts once again from fans, critics, analysts, etc. However, the Spartans have enough pieces and potential to once again prove critics wrong in 2011.

The #1 uncertainty going into this season could be one of the team's strong suits if history repeats itself: the offensive line. Anchored by all-Big Ten left guard Joel Foreman, the line needs to fill in 3 important spots on the starting lineup. For many, this is considered a problem. For the Spartans, this is just another task to check off the to-do list as they had this same "issue" going into last season. Look what happened with that inexperienced, young offensive line. They played a large role in forming the team into one of the better rushing teams in the country.

In thinking back a year, you may remember the "log-jam" of personnel in the backfield. Larry Caper led the coalition of tailbacks; however, an injury shot him down the depth chart. Then, Edwin Baker came out of nowhere as the Spartan "back-up running back" to emerge as one of the elite running backs in the conference and in the country. Not to mention, Le'Veon Bell gave the squad a big bruiser to compliment Baker's fluent running style. Now, with Larry Caper back to 100% healthy and with Bell and Baker returning, this 3-headed monster at tailback will give opposing defenses a nightmare to deal with.

The Spartans return a strong defensive line headed by Jerel Worthy, a very talented junior tackle whom many believe will be a first round draft pick in the NFL draft after this season. The linebackers are young as they are filling the void of Greg Jones and Eric Gordon; however, a nice mixture of experience and talent will be filling those responsibilities. The secondary is led by junior cornerback Johnny Adams and senior free safety Trenton Robinson, the Spartans' leading returning tackler.

Last but not least, the Spartans have a very experienced quarterback returning in Kirk Cousins. He has played in the big games, he knows how to win, and he wants to make this team the best team the school has put on the football field. With a number of different weapons to work with (Cunningham, Martin, Nichol, Linthicum, Celek, Lippett, Fowler, and Sims), Cousins should put up some impressive numbers this season and lead a talented team to a very special season.

With all these factors working together, critics will be scratching their heads again wondering how the Spartans keep winning games. It's about time to realize that this team is going to be a special one and they will surely overcome the doubters once again. Go Green!

Monday, July 25, 2011

To Return, or Not to Return: The Journey of Brett Favre

With another NFL season right around the corner (assuming the Players Association ratify the lock-out agreement), many questions need to be asked. What will happen with the large number of free-agents looking for a new team? How well will the players be prepared for the season following the five-month lock-out? And, a question that's been asked many times Brett Favre going to be suited up for another year?

After years of flirting with retirement, rumor has it that he will once again suit up to play another season. Favre is looking to sign with the Philadelphia Eagles, but this time as a back-up quarterback. This is the same man who has started nearly every single game he has been apart of. In my humble opinion, there's no way Favre would willingly sign with a team as a back-up quarterback. Does this mean he is trying to compete with Michael Vick for the starting position?

In no way am I trying to disrespect the 41 year-old professional athlete, but come on, make up your dang mind. We've been hearing this same story before each season year after year. When will it end? When he's 45? When he's 50? He's already broken many passing records in the NFL-I think he's going for oldest NFL player of all-time at a rugged age of 74.

According to Favre, the chances are slim that he will again return this season. Favre stated himself that another return is just "speculation" and that "I don't want to put my body through that anymore, I've been beat up enough". This eases the thought in my mind of seeing another return to the NFL; however, he's been saying this same thing for years.

You have to admire his perseverance and love for the game, but is enough is enough. He's had a great career, he's broken a number of records, and he's proven that you can play professionally after you're "over the hill". There's nothing left for Favre to prove. Unfortunately, his indecisiveness and old age has almost become a mockery throughout the fans and the league. Referees help him up after getting sacked, players have referred to him as "dad" or "grandpa", and companies are using him for some humorous advertisement--

So, whether Favre returns or not this season, we have to respect his's a golden rule to live by now days--we must respect our elders.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Spartans to Wear New Look Against the Wolverines

The Michigan State football team will boast a new look on October 15th when they play host to the Michigan Wolverines. The Spartans, along with eight other collegiate teams throughout the country, will wear alternate jerseys designed by Nike for one game this season.  Those eight other teams include Stanford, Oregon, Ohio State, Navy, Louisiana State, Boise State, Army, and Georgia.  The designs are to be released in early September and "capture each team's unique character", according to Nike.  Nike stated that these "Pro Combat" uniforms are also technologically advanced as the "redesigned base layer facilitates the uniform's overall innovation, delivering the ultimate in lightweight protection for maximum speed".  Michigan State says that "Nike has done a remarkable job of creating a uniform that clearly speaks to the Spartan football tradition with a modern-day look and feel" and that they are "looking forward to representing Michigan State and Nike on October 15 against Michigan".

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Detroit Lions: Play-off Bound?

Yes, the Detroit Lions have been the laughing stock of the NFL for the past few years. For those living in Michigan, we have to be having a pretty awful day to be seen wearing a Lions jersey in public. The jerseys you do see in public are of players from over a decade ago (Barry Sanders) as we are not willing to spend our hard-earned money on buying a current jersey. We're the first to support our team after a victory, although this happens only one or two times per year, and in recent years, hasn’t happened at all. We wear paper bags at games and our best player for the past 10 years has been our kicker. And, as the video puts it, metal detectors are strategically placed at the entrances into Ford Field so that we will not kill ourselves at halftime when the score is a humiliating 0-42. It takes much courage, dedication, and optimism to be a Lions fan; however, things are beginning to look brighter in Detroit.

Last year was extremely promising for any Lions fan. Yes, I know, a 6-10 record does not seem very promising, but if you happen to be rooting for the Lions, this is leaps and bounds from the previous two years as they built a remarkable two wins in two seasons. With things starting to look up in Detroit, and the NFL season not that far away, here are my top 5 reasons why the Lions are going to make the play-offs this coming season.

1. The Lions ended the year with an impressive four game winning streak, not to mention this was with their back-up quarterback. If the NFL does finally get their heads out of their asses and make a deal, expect this momentum to carry on and plow through the NFC North like a run-away train (or Ndamukong Suh can have the same effect). Included in this four game winning streak was the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers. Sure, it was without Super Bowl MVP Aaron Rodgers, but come on, give the Lions credit where credit is due.

2. Matthew Stafford: if he can stay healthy, and all signs point to him not being healthy again in 2011, the Lions could be a team to be reckoned with. Even his own teammate, linebacker Zach Follet, said he is a pussy. Follet stated in reference to Stafford, "He's a china doll right now. Anytime he gets hit, he goes down". However, when healthy, Stafford puts up some impressive numbers. Last season, though he only played in three games, had 6 TD's and 1 interception. One game that especially sticks out to me was against the feisty New York Jets defense when Stafford lit them up for 240 yards passing, 2 passing TD's, and 1 rushing TD (although risky, that's some high reward numbers for any fantasy football addict).

3. Lions draft picks have become better and better and their young talent makes the future look very promising. From Matthew Stafford, Jahvid Best, Ndamukong Suh, Nick Fairley, Louis Delmas, Mikel LeShoure, and Titus Young, these guys are talented enough to make any franchise realize that Detroit is back on the map in the NFL.

4. Whether it's Stafford or Hill taking the field next year, the talent, experience, size, and athleticism at the wide receiver position is enough to make an average quarterback a great one. Starting with Calvin Johnson, Nate Burleson, Brandon Pettigrew, and ending with rookie Titus Young, the Lions have multiple deadly weapons through the air. Let's just hope our "china doll of a quarterback" can stay healthy and put up the types of numbers he did when healthy last season. If he does, I believe the Lions wide receiver corps is on schedule for a huge break-out season.

5. The featured running back Jahvid Best and newcomer Mikel LeShoure are bound to make some noise this season. With very different styles to running the football-Best with his blazing speed (4.35 40-yard dash boasted the fastest time at last year's combine) and LeShoure with his "bruising, wear my opponent down" approach, the Lions have the personnel to compliment the passing game very nicely. Both backs are young giving Detroit a solid tandem to work with for several years down the road.

With these 5 aspects of the Lions taking the field in a few months, expect the Lions to have one of their better seasons in recent years. Take those paper bags off your heads, leave your guns at home, and don't be ashamed to spend some of your cash on a more recent Lions jersey-Detroit just might have a team worth rooting for this season.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

1,001 Ways To Fuck With A Retard

Marriage Proposal: Success or Embarrassing YouTube Phenom

This previous weekend was one of the most exciting and romantic times I've had the privilege of being apart of in my life. Lucky for me, I was one of the main characters, along with my beautiful and wonderful fiance, Abby. It's crazy how much is going through your mind in the weeks, days, and hours leading up the climax where you're asking the girl of your dreams to marry you. You want everything to be perfect, you want her to be completely surprised, and of course, you want a story-book ending where she says yes, you hug and kiss, and you end the day as a happily engaged couple. For some unfortunate guys out there, the outcome isn't exactly what they had hoped for: maybe the girl wasn't ready to be married yet or maybe the plan didn't go exactly as they had hoped. As you will learn vicariously in these videos, make sure your girlfriend will say yes, especially if you are going to propose in public. That is one aspect of the proposal in which I wanted to be 100% sure before I proposed; however, it is obvious that these guys were not so sure...

1. Houston, we have a problem...
First off, this guy was one of the guys who didn't really plan this out that well. He obviously made the wrong assumption that his girlfriend would say yes and the entire arena would erupt in cheers and pandemonium for his gutsy, public proposal. Things went differently for this guy; however. I can't imagine the thoughts running through his head on one knee when he saw his girlfriend was in shock, yet surprisingly hesitant to say yes. Then she leaves him. Not only does she leave, she runs and gets away as fast as she can. He is then left alone in front of thousands of fans not knowing whether to laugh, feel bad for the guy, or cheer him on to run after that girl. What does he do now? Find some other girl to give the ring to? Go back up to his seat to watch the second half of the game? This would be a complete disaster and a reminder to all those planning a public proposal: make sure she is going to say yes.

2. The runaway ring...
This guy did a nice job of surprising the girl--he surprised her enough to let go of anything she was holding. Unfortunately, what she was holding was the ring tied to the balloon. There's not much you can say about this other than this is just plain stupid. When girls get surprised they usually put their hands to their face and drop everything they have. Over the weekend, right when my girlfriend at the time knew I was about to propose, she dropped everything she had with her and even took her shoes off??? I still don't quite understand the shoes part but the point is, at this moment in a girl's life, they can't have anything in their hands as they are waiting for you to put that ring on her finger. I almost felt bad for this guy, but honestly who puts something worth thousands of dollars into a balloon? Epic fail.

3. The Slap of Shame...
For a moment, this proposal seemed to be heading in the right direction. He did everything right: he surprised her, he was romantic about it, and he looked to have had a very nice ring to profess his love to her. Then, SLAP! For those "How I Met Your Mother" fans out there, where was the Slap Bet Commissioner on this one? He must have chosen a really bad time in their relationship to propose. The possibilities are endless on this one. Did he cheat on her the day before? Or, did he propose the day before, get rejected, then think it'd be a good idea to try again in public using the "sympathetic, I guess I'll say yes this time to save him the embarrassment" approach? Whatever happened here, that's just plain humiliating. Not only did he get left alone, but the slap in public with the camera-man close by just added to the shame and misery of this failed marriage proposal.

These proposals didn't end so well; however, I am fortunate enough and blessed enough to have had one of the most wonderful moments with my fiance when I heard that simple word, "yes", come out of her mouth. For those of you guys planning a proposal in the near future, whatever you do she will love. Make it personal, romantic, surprising, and most importantly, make sure she will say yes so you don't find yourself on YouTube someday when people search for "failed marriage proposals".

Monday, July 11, 2011

My Voyage to the Land of MassHoles

So I took a little road trip to Boston, MA this past weekend and it was nothing short of what I had expected: lots of booze and lots of assholes. While the latter isn't entirely true; most locals were real cool, but I found my fair share that played right into the stereotype. More on that later.

I'll spare the shitty road trip details because there is nothing fun about a 12 hour drive. 2 important findings. Speed limit in Canada is consistent with the 'boring" stereotype of their people: 100km/h (about 60 mph for the non-math saavy) It is painfully slow, frustrating, and albeit boring. Secondly, country music, podcasts, and good conversation with an old friend are a great cure for killing time. I highly suggest it for your next rodeo.

I'll also exclude the mundane details of my travels and get right to the shit you want to read about: the drinking and the antics. This accounts for 90% of my days on vacation, if you were really wondering about the rest, you can fill in the blanks yourself.

Across the streetfrom the burial grounds of John Hancock,
Samuel Adams, and  Ben Franklin.
We started off, on a blistering summer day, doing the only thing that could keep the sweat from my brow, ducking into an air conditioned establishment and throwing back some bronsons. Heading to the RedSox game later that night called for a pre-drink anyway, and since it was 2pm, we were way overdue. We slugged down a few at Beantown Pub, and meandered down to "Cheers", a bar inspired by the show. Now to say I was upset that Woody Harrelson wasn't behind the bar and there was not a fat mailman drowning his sorrows at the end of the bar, is an understatement. Also nobody knew our names, and I 'm positive, judging by our level of intoxication at this point, noone gave a fuck. I did, howerver, have one of the most delicious local beers, Wachusett Blueberry Ale, which made me feel like a local.

Now on to Fenway Park, but not with out a trip down Beacon Hill, one of the most scenic, ritzy areas in the city. We finally made it to the park with time to spare to hit, in my opinion, the best bar Boston had to offer, Game On. There, I met up with a familiar face in a strange place, my roommate from college, "Boston". After a few shots of Patron and a couple laughs, it was on to the game.

 Fenway is breath taking, but give me Comerica Park any day. It was Masshole central. We were literally on top of people screaming at us, spilling my $9 bud light with every twist and turn. I've had enough by the third inning so it was time for another bar. Just my luck there was a bench clearing brawl/hug fest as soon as we left. I'll let you decide for yourself with video evidence.

A few purchases of the "Sedins: 2 Girls No Cup" shirts later, we were back at the hotel getting our Health Ledger on.

Ironic name choice. This was probably
the worst bar  there.
The next day more traveling in the city until we all reached an unprecedented conclusion: it's 3pm and I can count my consumption of drinks on one hand. The sight seeing in the Long Wharf/Quincy Market area was a real good time, but if you've seen one art fair street shop gathering, you've seen 'em all. The group had all split up and it was time for a little impromptu pub crawl. Whaddaya know? Everyone had the same idea. Tired of the sun and aching for a totty, the whole group met at Good Bar unplanned, as if it were some sort of animal instinct. Must. Booze. Now. The closest bar did it's trick. At this point, I had to take picture of every bar entrance so I could actually remember where I 've been. We hit about 7 bars in 2 hours which also shared its good amount of alcoholic highlights.

At Amos Plow, the bartender was telling us crazy stories of MDMA -infused Bonnaroo moments and concocting shots I've never heard of, which is rare. "Jameson with a pickle juice back" (Amazing). You just slam pickle juice after you rock the whiskey shot, and the "Breakfast shot", which I just decided I'm renaming "The Breakfast Club" (because it was Saturday afternoon with good company and the bartender reminded me of a young Anthony Michael Hall). It was a shot of Jameson chased with a shot of 1/2 orange juice, 1/2 butterscotch schnapps. This shot tasted just like pancakes and maple syrup. Nicely done "weird science"(my new nickname for this bartender.)

We decided it was time to tone it down so we didn't look like the after effects of "The Breakfast Club" shot shown in the picture. I mean we were going to dinner in the North End, and since it's one of the classier destinations in the city, we needed to remember dinner. By toning it down, of course I mean eat something big enough to soak up the whiskey, but small enough to keep my buzzz on. We headed to the Salty Dog for some tasty local lager and eats. Prettay, prettay, pretty good.

At dusk, we were on to the North End. After passing around a couple bottles of Giacomo Grimaldi 2003 ($150 a pop), and omnom-ing some dago sounding veal dish, I was in alcohol/food coma mode and the only thing that could wash that down was a fat stogie at the local cigar bar, Stanza di Sigai  Real legit place.

All in all it was a great weekend funded completely by some very generous people who did not tire easily of our messy alcoholism. And to that I extend my gratitude.

Editors Note: I feel like I should address this, being a pro-Detroit website and all. In no way shape or form am I on my knees about this city. It was a great time, with great people, in a great city. However, when I told the locals I was from Detroit, they gave me a look like a booger just shot out of my face and I was the most grotesque individual on the planet. I made it a point to talk to these people for a while to show that Detroit breeds intelligent, cultured people that can handle themselves after 15 drinks and still bring a lot to the table. I fucked them up with some truth that Detroit is a diamond in the rough, and they should break out of their comfort zone and check it out for themselves before judging. If you take a trip, I challenge you to do the same, which from my experience, made for a much more enjoyable time. Put your hands up for Detroit. I love this city.

The Curse of Mike Hart?

The curse of the Bambino plagued the Boston Redsox for a miserable 86 years, the curse of the Billy Goat continues to haunt the Chicago Cubs for 66 years and counting, and now there is a potential new curse to add to the record books--the "little brother" comment.

Mike Hart's 2004 arrival to the prized Big House and the winning-est program in NCAA football history looked like a promising one. And, his four years at the university symbolized by a stocky, short, and furiously ugly animal that my 16 pound, over-weight chihuahua could put up a fight with, was indeed a great one. Sure, his four years we're marked by a 4-0 record against the in-state rival Michigan State Spartans; however, what occurred at the end of his career left a legacy that Michigan fans have reason to worry over--the "little brother" comment.

Since that left his mouth in a joking, yet serious, manner after defeating the Spartans for the fourth time in his collegiate career, things seem to be different in Ann Arbor. For the third year in a row, the Spartans have forcefully, and arguably easily, put a pounding on their "big brother" marking the first time in 43 years in which the Spartans defeated the Wolverines for three straight years. Michigan lost it's hall-of-fame head coach of 12 years and went on to hire RichRod who turned the program for the worse with a 3-9 record in 2008. Then, in 2010, Michigan fires RichRod and hires the next savior in Brady Hoke with an impressive and proven record of 47-50 at Ball State and San Diego State combined. With the way things are looking since that famous and illustrious comment, fans in Ann Arbor may not be able to "hail to the victors" for years to come.

However, the many crazed and die-hard Michigan fans I know so well always can turn to their go-to-line--"we're the winning-est program in NCAA football history". They'll come out of trash-talking hibernation in the fall bursting with pride for their football squad and will continue running their mouths no matter how bad MSU crushed them the previous year. They'll act like a five-year old on Christmas day when they realize their team led by a man still learning to tie his own shoes is undefeated heading into the Big-Ten season. Then, when they roll into Spartan Nation, all hopes, dreams, and aspirations for another unforgettable season like they had years ago is shot down and their Heisman front-runner Denard Robinson's reputation is shattered quicker than you can say "little brother".

As a Spartan fan, I would personally like to thank Mike Hart for his special contributions to the in-state football rivalry and the humor you provide to our fans. Not only did you provide some spice to the rivalry, you are the curse that ended Michigan's reign in college football. In addition, you marked a long period of possession of the Paul Bunyan trophy in East Lansing. As coach Dantonio stated in reference to the comment: "They want to mock us all they want, I'm telling them it's not over, it will never be over. It's just starting here". Is this the beginning of a curse in Ann Arbor or is it just an unfortunate case of a lack of talent not being able to back up Mike Hart's big mouth?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011